Data Story

Excessive Heating

Comparing multiple data metrics uncovered a pattern of excessive heating periods.

[See above for a graph showing space temperature before and after the site team used data in a Resident Outlier Report to identify overuse of heating, and engage with the resident.]


The team at this PBSA site used a Resident Outlier Report to identify this space as having consistently high temperature with long heating intervals, suggesting the heating was being left on for extended periods of time.
The site team used the data to engage with the resident directly, discussing efficient heating usage and sustainability.

The space temperature was going as high as 29°C during January.


After positive conversation with the resident, the average temperature went down and extended patterns of heating usage were minimised.

Average space temperature dropped to 24°C in under a week, a reduction of 5°C.

£600 saved

2,000 kWh saved

420 kg carbon saved

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