Data Story

Overheated Unoccupied Space

An objectives and insights workshop with the Utopi team revealed a heater left on after student checkout.

During an Objectives and Insights workshop with the Utopi Customer Impact team, an unoccupied room was found to be severley overheated, reaching temperatures of 33°C.

This not only flagged excessive and unnecessary energy consumption, but it also flagged opportunity for carbon savings.


Empowered with this real-time, granular data the site team inspected the space to find the student had checked out but the heater had been left on. Heating was immediately turned down.

The temperature then quickly dropped by 9°C from 33°C to a reasonable 24°C in June.

Creating huge monthly savings of…

405kWh Avoided

65.61kg CO₂ Avoided

£28 Cost Avoidance

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