Utopi Launch Energy Control.

Utopi launch Energy Control

in 2023 via Smart TRV Technology…

Utopi again add to their already dynamic ESG Technology solution, this time adding Energy Control to their list of expertise.

Utopi Energy Control via Smart TRV.

Smart TRVs are designed for wet-heated systems and can seamlessly attach to standard radiator valves. They offer the convenience of remote pre-setting to establish an acceptable temperature range, typically between 15-24°C. Within this range, residents or end users can manually rotate the device to adjust the temperature according to their preferences. Additionally, the TRVs support remote temperature adjustments via the Utopi platform, and basic rules can be set up to reduce the temperature in the absence of occupancy.


  • Generate return on investment, up to 25% energy cost reduction in the first year (depending on site).

  • Reduction in energy emissions and carbon footprint.

  • Elimination of over and under-heating, providing a comfortable environment for occupants.

  • Maximisation of energy efficiency without compromising comfort.

The Energy Control panel in the Utopi Platform - Showcasing target temperatures that can be input, including exceptions and alerts.

Key Features.

New TRV functionality enables a user to:

  • Switch between default native Smart TRV control (e.g. the temperature sensor on the TRV controls the actions of the TRV)  and External Control, where the multisensor's temperature reading controls the TRV.

  • Set the min-max range of the TRV (that allows manual, physical control of the TRV within the set range).

  • Set a target temperature.

  • Set site-wide settings or create individual exceptions space by space.

  • View a full list of TRVs and their settings within your customer view.

  • Easily monitor and report on TRV performance and compliance against the parameters set by use of a heatmap. 

To get more information on these Smart TRVs, on energy control in general, and understand the immediate ROI you can generate with Utopi ESG Technology - react out to our expert team, here.


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