Data Story

Overheated Unoccupied Spaces

Comparing multiple data metrics uncovered overheating in unoccupied spaces.

See above for a graph comparing showing excessive electricity use from overheating, and when site teams intervene, a steep drop from 36°C.


Utopi data, combining PIR / motion and temperature from the Utopi Multisensor, in conjunction with the Utopi platform’s alerting function allowed site teams to see they were overheating unoccupied spaces.

The alert, set up to email site teams when temperatures go above 25°C, highlighted a studio that was at 36°C. That same room had no motion detected for 22 consecutive days.

Further review of environmental data, such as light levels and CO2, suggested the blinds were open and the window closed. Therefore solar gain could have contributed to excessive temperatures.

This not only flagged excessive energy consumption, but it also flagged opportunity for cost savings…


Empowered with this real-time, granular data the site team inspected the studio to find it was unoccupied, the blinds were open, and the windows were closed.  The heating set point was also set to max… Heating was immediately turned down.

The resulting reduction in temperature reduced the average daily consumption by 21kWh per day.

The result? A reduction in carbon emissions, and in turn Operational Costs… and if maintained for a 200 day Heating Season, this would equate to:

£1,200 per day.

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