Gamifying Green - The Utopi Resident App

Imagine a world pre-covid. Personal space isn’t a big concern, neither is air conditions in your office space or home. The world is free, blissfully ignorant to the risks ahead.

Now imagine a world pre-climate change. Some take the world for granted, leaving rubbish on the side of the road, and some leave the heating on 25°C or higher constantly. The cost-of-living crisis doesn’t exist, and again we are blissfully ignorant to the risks ahead.

Picture of a mobile showing the Utopi Resident App

Well, fast forward to 2023. We are living in a post-pandemic world, and ‘woke’ world if you will, and we are seeing every year the destruction climate change is having on our wildlife, on rising sea levels, on our health, and on our utility bills. Now, stay with me here, by no means is this a doom and gloom blog, but more of a - solution blog.

There are solutions out there that can not only improve our health and wellbeing, but the health and wellbeing of our planet. And for the likes of Utopi - it’s even getting gamified to avoid green silencing (you know when your brain switches off when you feel you’re being sold something? Yeah that, but for green messaging and sustainability advice).

So, what is ‘Gamifying Green’ and where do Utopi come in? Oh, and what is it to you and me? We’ll break it down…

According to Wiki, Gamification is: ‘The strategic attempt to enhance systems, services, organizations, and activities by creating similar experiences to those experienced when playing games in order to motivate and engage users.’

Gamification is a great way to enhance engagement, to create positive and memorable experiences and make a brand or a product more than just a name – but a memory.

Examples of gamification you engage with already include:

  1. Ecommerce – Brands add a ‘spin wheel’ to their website for buyers, so you can get a discount code before purchasing your items.

  2. Museums – Interactive games are used for kids to unlock information or quizzes on exhibits, to engage patrons deeper on key topics.

  3. Science – Ever seen an interactive 3D earth? Allowing you to manipulate the world, zoom in on key cities and uncover data and insights. Making global topics easier to digest.

So, in the context of ESG and sustainable messaging; gamification is all about finding ways to digest environmental data and messaging in ways that’s are –

A, Easy to understand

B, Interactive

C, Filled with real-world context (the ‘so what’ if you will)

Ultimately with extreme weather conditions every year, we’re all aware of climate change. But it’s not an easy topic to discuss, and companies trying to drive positive change are aware of this; so gamification is a way to make sure the messaging is digested in a comfortable way, and therefore in time should spark positive behaviours in our own lives.

So, where does Utopi come in?

As a specialist ESG technology platform for multi-tenant real estate, we have the unique ability to showcase real-world data on buildings and breakdown operational issues, and of course both cost savings and emission savings. But as well as showcasing this data in an easy-to-use dashboard with custom reports, etc – we also offer a Resident App.

Our Resident App is an interactive way to engage with the real-world data taken from your building. It could be the average temperature of your room, helping you understand if you need to turn it down to save on emissions or utility bills. But it even includes people counting in communal spaces. Yes, that’s right, you can see if no one is in the gym and workout in peace!

Bringing all this data into an interactive application quite literally puts environmental insights in the palm of your hands. That gamification of green messaging then allows you to experience real-world context, and better understand your footprint.

For more on the Resident App, see it here.

When it comes to gamifying global topics, we’re all for it. And in the realms of ESG and environmental responsibility, we’re proud to be at the forefront of gamifying and translating complex data.


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