Utopi Lunch & Learn #2.

Utopi Lunch & Learn - Watch it here!

Wednesday, April 24th saw Utopi host their second virtual Lunch & Learn of 2024.

With the session being dedicated to discussing the value of granular property insights, data acquisition, asset performance and the value of sustainable certifications like GRESB; it was an engaging exploration of what Utopi can offer Investors, Operators, Asset Managers and Residents from Utopi’s Head of Impact, Stuart Paterson, and special guest speaker Cedric Cools of ESG Europe.

See the link below for the full session, but some of the topics covered included:

  • Operational Insights

  • Current living behaviours we know from the Utopi’s 9 billion data points

  • Case studies of 9x ROI and savings of £50,000

  • ESG regulations

  • GRESB - it’s value and how Utopi can help influence 50% of the scorecard

For more information on any of the topics discussed on the Lunch & Learn, don’t hesitate to reach out to marketing@utopi.co.uk.

We hope to see you on the next Lunch & Learn next quarter!


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